Quirky Tag

Sid tagged me to blog on my six unspectacular quirks. 

The Rules:

1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules on your blog.
3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them. (Tagged 5)
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.

1. I do watch movies regularly but I would fall short of being a movie buff. That said, I have not watched a few movies which almost everyone in my age group has seen atleast once, namely Matrix Trilogy, Godfather, Harry potter and LOTR.I am sure there are a few more movies that can be added to this list. I am not fascinated by animations either, hardly seen one or two. So no The incredibles, Monster Inc., Kung fu Panda,Wall E, Fighting Nemo, Toystory, Cars, Shrek and the likes.

2. I am Still adicted to “Friends”. Have watched all the 10 seasons atleast 8 times. I made a conscious effort to not copy any episode on my hard disk. To my surprise and pleasantly so, Friends is aired on a Dutch channel(in English though) every weekday at 19.00 hrs. I enjoy it over a cup of tea 🙂

3. I do not ride on Motor bikes. My Mom has made me promise that. Though I had to break her promise on a couple of occassions where I had absolutely no way out(There was a speed limit in that case, an insult to the driver). My mom has a phobia for bikes. She has seen way too many accidents, mostly fatal involving two wheelers.

4. Having stayed 4 years in an IIT hostel, I have watched movies, TV shows, documentaries, and listened to songs on my PC/laptop and continue to do so. However, I am a lazy downloader, infact I have never downloaded any such file myself.

5. I can either follow a meticulously drawn plan/be very neat and organized or be impulsive, nothing in balance.

6. I have got into this habit of reading and analyzing people. My love and understanding of human psychology and the fact that we are all pre-conditioned makes me look at things so very differently.

6 responses to “Quirky Tag

  1. So that’s why you don’t ride bikes! I knew it had to be something quirky… Lekin tu Ashay ki bike pe baitha hai…

    Impulsive, aur tum, kabhi nahi! :p What was the last impulsive thing you did? 😕

  2. I didn’t quite understand this tagging thingy 😦

  3. @Sid : Haha.. ask Ashay for that experience 🙂 .. we drove from the one of the inner lanes of Garodia Nagar to 90 feet road (less than 100 m) at a snail’s pace. The second time both of us took my Mom’s permission to drive at less than 50 km/hr.. 🙂

    I have got more impulsive in my day to day work, small things especially 🙂 .. I know what you are looking for, no gossip on this forum 😛 ..

  4. on trivialities of life and on self fulfilling prophecies : fighting nemo is proof enough that you are as far removed from animated movies as the eskimos as from the invention of a fridge 😀

  5. The Rules say:
    3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.

    I was looking for something unspectacular in the post, but you have been too careful not to reveal them (barring one or two) 😀

  6. @Kanchan : Sadly there is not enough gossip or masala for you 🙂

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